Why Plan A Month’s Worth of Posts in One Sitting
When I tell people that I plan out the entire month’s worth of social media content in one afternoon that statement is usually met with awe and confusion. How is that even possible? How do you even know what to say for an entire month? Why do you do that?
The Why is pretty simple. I do it to give myself peace of mind and some breathing room in the month.
I’ve found that when I don’t have the content planned out ahead of time, I spend a lot more time hemming and hawing over what to say on a day-to-day basis. I waste a lot of time thinking about the day’s post. And at times I even skip posting if it begins to take up too much time.
When I plan out the entire month, I already know what I want to say. It takes the daily guesswork out of the process.
When I plan out the entire month, I see the big picture and the direction I want to take my audience in the month ahead.
When I plan out the entire month, I can be strategic and intentional with my content rather than reactionary and frazzled.
When I plan out the entire month, I ease my weekly load and give myself a guideline of what I will post and the content I will create.
When I plan out the entire month, I give myself more time to actually engage with followers, clients and potential clients - which is the whole purpose anyway.
When I plan out the entire month, I save myself a lot of time in the long run. It takes me one afternoon to plan out the entire month, and then it takes me about 90 minutes at the start of each week to create the planned content for that week. That means total, each month, I spend about 6 hours planning and crafting content.
Just 6 hours to plan and create ALL my content for the month. Now consider the amount of time you’ve spent this week creating content. On the weeks I don’t have a plan in place, I could easily spend 3 hours creating content that week alone.
If you want to start planning a month’s worth of content in one afternoon, later this month I’m offering a class to walk you through the exact steps I use. You can register here.